1. Differentiate or die / Jack Trout with Steve Rivkin
2. Lateral marketing / Philip Kotler and Fernando Trias de Bes
3. The Popcorn report / Faith Popcorn
4. Relationship marketing / Regis McKenna
5. Networking with the affluent / Thomas Stanley
6. Relentless / Johny K. Johansson and Ikujiro Nonaka
7. The one to one future / Don Peppers and Martha Rogers
8. Up the loyalty ladder / Murray Raphel and Neil Raphel
9. Scoring points / Clive Humby and Terry Hunt with Tim Phillips
10. How to drive your competition crazy / Guy Kawasaki
11. Crossing the chasm / Geoffrey A. Moore
12. Unleashing the killer app / Larry Downes and Chunka Mui
13. The anatomy of buzz / Emanuel Rosen
14. Purple cow / Seth Godin
15. Don't think pink / Lisa Johnson and Andrea Learned
16. The discipline of market leaders / Michael Treacy and Fred Wierserna
17. Renovate before you innovate / Sergio Zyman.