Immigration in global historical perspective / Reed Ueda
Immigration control policy : law and implementation / Aristide R. Zolberg
Citizenship and nationality policy / Peter H. Schuck
Refugees / David W. Haines
Unauthorized migration / Frank D. Bean and B. Lindsay Lowell
Settlement patterns in metropolitan America / John R. Logan
Ethnic and racial identity / Herbert J. Gans
Intermarriage and multiple identities / Joel Perlmann and Mary C. Waters
Assimilation / Richard Alba and Victor Nee
Transforming foreigners into Americans / Roger Waldinger
Transnatonalism / Ewa Morawska
Pluralism and group relations / Jennifer L. Hochschild
Immigrants and the economy / Neeraj Kaushal, Cordelia W. Reimers, and David M. Reimers
Ethnic politics / Michael Jones-Correa
Ethnic media / K. Viswanath and Karen Ka-man Lee
Language / David Lopez and Vanesa Estrada
Education / Carola Sudrez-Orozco and Marcelo Sudrez-Orozvo
Gender and family / Patricia R. Pessar
The second generation / Nancy Foner and Philip Kasinitz
Africa : west / Marilyn Halter
Africa : east / Abdi Kusow
Africa : South Africa and Zimbabwe / Helen B. Marrow
Canada / Donna R. Gabaccia
Central America / Norma Stoltz Chinchilla and Nora Hamilton
China : People's Republic of China / Xiao-huang Yin
China : outside the People's Republic of China / Jennifer Holdaway
Colombia / Luis Eduardo Guarnizo and Marilyn Espitia
Dominican Republic / Peggy Levitt
El Salvador / Cecilia Menjivar
Europe : western / Donna R. Gabaccia
Europe : central and southeastern / Simone Ispa-Landa
Haiti / Lisa Konczal and Alex Stepick
India / Karen Isaksen Leonard
Jamaica / Milton Vickerman
Mexico / Albert M. Camarillo
Middle East and North Africa / Steven J. Gold and Mehdi Bozorgmehr
Pacific : Fiji., Tonga, Samoa / Cathy A. Small
Pacific : Japan, Australia, New Zealand / Nana Oishi
Philippines / Catherine Ceniza Choy
Poland / Mary Patrice Erdmans
South America / Helen B. Marrow
South Asia / Nazli Kibria
Southeast Asia / Carl L. Bankston III and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo
United Kingdom / Wendy D. Roth
Vietnam / Ruban C. Rumbant
West Indies / Calvin B. Holder.