The nonprofit sector in historical perspective : traditions of philanthropy in the West / Kevin C. Robbins
A historical overview of philanthropy, voluntary associations, and nonprofit organizations in the United States, 1600-2000 / Peter Dobkin Hall
Scope and dimensions of the nonprofit sector / Elizabeth T. Boris and C. Eugene Steuerle
The nonprofit sector in comparative perspective / Helmut K. Anheier and Lester M. Salamon
Economic theories of nonprofit organizations / Richard Steinberg
Nonprofit organizations and the market / Eleanor Brown and Al Slivinski
Work in the nonprofit sector / Laura Leete
Collaboration between corporations and nonprofit organizations / Joseph Galaskiewicz and Michelle Sinclair Colman
The constitution of citizens : political theories of nonprofit organizations / Elisabeth S. Clemens
Scope and theory of government-nonprofit relations / Steven Rathgeb Smith and Kirsten A. Grønbjerg
The legal framework for nonprofit organizations / Evelyn Brody
The federal tax treatment of charitable organizations / John Simon, Harvey Dale, and Laura Chisolm
Nonprofit organizations and political advocacy / J. Craig Jenkins
International nongovernmental organizations / John Boli
Foundations / Kenneth Prewitt
Nonprofit organizations and health care : some paradoxes of persistent scrutiny / Mark Schlesinger and Bradford H. Gray
Social care and the nonprofit sector in the Western developed world / Jeremy Kendall, Martin Knapp, and Julien Forder
Nonprofit organizations and the intersectoral division of labor in the arts / Paul DiMaggio
Higher education : evolving forms and emerging markets / Patricia J. Gumport and Stuart K. Snydman
Religion and the nonprofit sector / Wendy Cadge and Robert Wuthnow
Nonprofit community organizations in poor urban settings : bridging institutional gaps for youth / Sarah Deschenes, Milbrey McLaughlin, and Jennifer O'Donoghue
Nonprofit membership associations / Mary Tschirhart
Charitable giving : how much, by whom, to what, and how? / John J. havens, Mary A. O'Herlihy, and Paul G. Schervish
Why do people give? / Lise Vesterlund
Nonprofit mission : constancy, responsiveness, or deflection? / Debra C. Minkoff and Walter W. Powell
Governance : research trends, gaps, and future prospects / Francie Ostrower and Melissa M. Stone
Commercial activity, technological change, and nonprofit mission / Howard P. Tuckman and Cyril F. Chang.